Monday 4 November 2019

Hog Blog 22 or Gills Post from Pricklington Palace.

Gills Hog blog number 22 or Tales from the Pricklington palace.

Dispelling myths.

I am still quite often confronted with certain issues whereby humans with the very best of intentions do further harm to an already ailing hedgehog.

For the record...
It is NOT alright to give hedgehogs cows milk and bread. Hedgehogs are lactose intolerant and they do not digest starch, so both at best will make them ill, at worst will kill them. Rescues use lactose free puppy milk. Goats milk is fine.

Please DO NOT keep a hedgehog believing you can care for it at home unless you have a microscope and a reasonable understanding of endoparasites. The most common ailments are intestinal parasites and unless you can look at a faecal specimen this cannot be diagnosed and the correct treatment given. I am always happy to return a hog to its finder when it is well but it is soul destroying trying to put right damage that could have been treated so much sooner.

IT is NOT alright to give hedgehog mealworms. They cause a terrible bone weakening and death.

Please DO NOT  go gathering slugs and snails for hedgehogs. These are the very things that host the parasites that kill hedgehogs. Meaty cat food or kitten biscuits are just fine.

Please DO NOT keep a European hedgehog as a pet. This is both cruel and absolutely illegal. They are wild animals. African pygmy hedgehogs are available to buy as pets (but are quite tricky to keep).

Please DO NOT  watch a hedgehog in your garden in daylight for days on ends. A hedgehog out in daylight is in trouble with one exception and that is an expectorant or lactating female. She will be gathering bedding or finding extra food and will be moving at speed and with purpose.
Baby hoglets out on their own in daylight are in trouble.

If you find a please  nest do NOT disturb it. Disturbance and certainly handling of hoglets will result in the mother killing her young. If you disturb a nest by accident do your best to repair it and walk away. The hog will only need it for a couple of weeks.

Please DO NOT worry about fleas. Not many hedgehogs have them and if they do they are species specific. They will not trouble you or your domestic pets.

Please DO NOT set fire to piles of leaves or logs before checking them out. They are favourite nesting places.

Please feel free to call your nearest rescue for help or advice  or contact the British hedgehog preservation society ( on  01584 890801) 

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